My transcript of a recent episode of a public access show, originating in Chicago, called "Broadsides". This episode featured independent researcher Sherman Skolnick, and author Mark Sato. Note that in the following I neither necessarily agree nor disagree with some or all of the views expressed.

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[Sounds of Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture"]

Good evening. Welcome to our program, "Broadsides". I'm Sherman Skolnick. Our regular moderator, Cliff Kelley, is late. He may join us before we're finished tonight.

And I'm joined by our regular panelist, Mark Sato, an author and researcher.

And tonight, our program is about "Global 2000: Earth First! for the 'Master Race'".

Uh... Do I gather, Mark, that this is a program that sort of follows up, that says America and others are following up on Hitler?

Well, you explain.

Well first of all, if the Earth First!, which is a movement afoot these days, the push of which is to control population of the earth. Because, according to the "Earth Firsters", there are too many people on the earth, and the alleged "carrying capacity" of the earth is being pushed beyond its limits. And therefore, a lot of people have to "leave" the planet, somehow, in order for there to be living space for whoever is left! Presumably, a "master race". And of course, the Nazis had a term for it, it's a German term, lebensraum -- which means "living space"! So...

Which is a term that did apply to Germany because it was a small country with a large, with a sizeable population.
Well... It wasn't that sizeable.

But anyway, they thought they were running out of room, because, you know, the "master race" needs lots of bunnies and deer to make them feel better. And so, if you have "too many" people, the bunnies and deer run away, and the "master race", the people of the "master race" feel very sad!

And so that's one of the problems that is with us today in the Earth First! movement, which is, there are too many people on this planet. And we gotta get rid of some of 'em.

Well, over the years, wars have rid the planet of people. I mean, I don't know if they went into the ground or left the planet, but they're gone! Every generation, the young people feel they're immortal and they start agitating. And the ultra-rich suddenly decide they want to have a quarrel with the ultra-rich, the aristocracy, of some other country. And before you know it, they play martial music, they wave the flag, and before you know, they're all marching and they're off on the troop trains. And then the body bags come back. And so we're rid of a whole... I mean, don't these wars arrange sort of "naturally" or otherwise for the "elbow room" thing -- lebensraum?
Sure they do! And that's part of the program -- or maybe I should say the "pogrom" -- of the "master race" that we have today. Which is that part of their arsenal is, is war! They do use that.
Well what are ya talkin' about?
Well let's, let's go...
You're not talkin' about the common people. You're talking about the aristocracy, right?
Well, people who consider themselves "the aristocracy". Sure.
Well we think they're the aristocracy. What do they think?
Well... yeah. Well they think...
They're the ruling elite or...
...Well they've got no qualms about considering themselves "the elite" and "above everybody else"...
Well what are we talkin' about? The Rockefellers, the Marshall Fields, the Rothschilds...
Right. At this point in time, sure. All the super-rich people of the earth who feel that their wealth, or their lineage, or whatever it is, entitles them to...
Have they figured out how many people the planet can hold? And what happens if the planet has too many people?
Well that's...
...sail off into space, being too heavy or something?
They've already "figured out" how many people the planet can hold. And they claim we've gone beyond the limit!
Well what's the limit?
We've gone beyond the limit! Well, that gets into a topic that's a little bit, a little bit more advanced.

But first, what I'd like to talk about is, basically, that this idea has been around for a long time. And the man for whom all the population control... It's kind of the "god" of the population control...

The godfather!
The godfather of the population control people is this guy named Malthus. And that is where the term, "Malthusian" came from, "Malthusianism".

And what Mister... Uh, Reverend, actually, Malthus was, was an agent of the British East India Company. And what he did was he spread the gospel of the British aristocracy that there were too many people on the earth, and therefore...

How long ago was this?
This was back in the late 1800s [CN -- Sato possibly means "late 18th century"; Malthus lived from 1766 to 1834.], that Mr. Malthus was spreading his particular poisonous gospel. And one of the things I'd like to really talk about [that] he said, which kind of, uh they typify his philosophy: "All children who are born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the death of grown persons. If we dread the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should assiduously encourage the other forms of destruction." (Such as war, and disease, and things of that nature.)

And then he said, "In our towns," (that is, in places where there are a lot of people gathered), "we should court the return of the plague." (The bubonic plague, he means.) "But above all, we should..."

Wait a minute! Are you reading from some late-night comedy show?
This is his, this is his philosophy! That he wanted...
He wanted the bubonic plague to come back!?
Right. There are too many people. Obviously, we've gotta get rid of 'em quickly. And one of the most efficient ways of doing that was through the bubonic plague. That was their most recent experience with getting rid of a lot of people in a hurry.

[Continues reading:] "...but above all, we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases...." (That is, we should no longer give people medicine! In other words, we should not try to cure them when they're sick, or when they have problems.) "...and restrain those benevolent but much-mistaken men who have thought they are doing a service to mankind by protecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders."

In other words, all the research that's being done to eliminate disease from the earth is foolish, in Reverend Malthus'...

You know, I think, I begin to think this Malthus, the ghost of Malthus are still around. Because I've talked to some doctors who claim that when the doctors' patients get over 65, medicare, in so many words, says, "Don't send us in the bills on this thing!" In so many words, like Malthus, "Let 'em 'croak'! I mean, get rid of 'em!" The minute they get 65.
Well that's kind of...
So in other words, they've got a few "Reverend Malthuses" in medicare and in some of the...
Well that's the idea behind euthanasia, the euthanasia movement. People are too old. You know, have you ever seen the movie, "Solyent Green" where they turned all the old people who are a little "too old" into little green chips for, for food. 'Cause the earth was running out of food, obviously the...
What happened to this guy Malthus? Did someone decide that he was a surplus and got rid of him? [laughs] That would have been poetic justice!
Well, unfortunately, he spawned a whole series of little "Junior Malthuses" who are, who have carried on his tradition! And one of the most famous of those, of course, was Adolph Hitler. [CN -- But who was Hitler fronting for?] Whose ideas of eugenics, that is, "racial hygiene", were what caused him to decide that Europe should be rid of, of the Jews and a lot of other people that were considered "undesireables" by the...
...the gypsies, physical so-called "defects", uh cripples and so on. He wanted to get rid of all of 'em.

Uh some authors contend that the Harriman family, Averill Harriman, whose name "popped up" over a series of decades, was in favor of euthanasia.

That is correct. As a matter of fact, the Harrimans were part of a group of bankers who sponsored the 1932 International Eugenics Conference in New York. And at that conference, a lot of the ideas of Malthus -- and some more advanced ideas on how to get rid of people, quickly, from the face of the earth -- were promoted.
But weren't the idea behind eugenics supposedly to have more (I don't know what to call it), a "master race", more superior people, by certain types of breeding? In other words, eugenics and euthanasia weren't exactly synonymous. In other words, through eugenics they wanted, supposedly, more clever people...
Well you would wipe out the "undesireable" elements in the so- called "gene pool". The "gene pool" being a representation of all the millions and billions of different kinds of genes that people carry around with them on the earth today.
Some... I don't know what the professional people are that -- what are they? "Geneologists"? I don't know what... You probably know what the ones that study that are called.

O.K. Haven't some in that field [genetics], have said that the different races are better off to have a larger [gene] pool, because the, for example the inbreeding of the British royal family has caused a lot of problems that not always gets published. That insanity grows in their family and the present royal family...

Quite true. Quite true, yes.

...has got some of their members "tucked away" someplace. And it was only one of the grocery magazines that pointed out that Queen Elizabeth (whatever her name is, over there) has got two cousins who uh, she insisted that they change their name in the "nut house" because... In other words, insanity goes from inbreeding. So having a large pool of genes, in the view of some that know about genetics, is actually better!
Yes. That's true. But... Uh and these people are aware of that! These...
So why could they want to build a "master race"?
Well, they... You see, they believe that despite the fact that having a variety of genes in the gene pool is very good, they still would like to get rid of a lot of people. Because there's just "too many" people.

Now you mentioned the royal family. Let me give ya a quote from Prince Phillip, who was the Duke of Edinburgh. And he favored animals over people! And what he said was, "Every new acre brought into cultivation" (that is, under farming) "means another acre denied to wild species." In other words, he was against it. He was against, he was against more farming. He wanted there to be more wildlife, because he didn't like people. So...

O.K. But the point is, though, Hitler and what he stood for was promoting eugenics. In other words, he was more or less "pruning out" people. And the ones he didn't want -- the Jews, the gypsies, invalids, or whatever -- he sent 'em to concentration camp. Those that could work, he worked 'em to death. And the other ones died. And historical revisionists would have you believe that they didn't die because they were gassed (although I think that they were)... But in any case, we call that...
They were just... No matter how they did it, they exterminated a lot of people. They did do that.
Yeah, right. In other words, millions of people disappeared.

But notice the problem here: the Catholic church promotes uh, "full speed ahead" on population. Which, it "bugs" me in a way. Because um, Pope John Paul I, according to the book by David Yallop called In God's Name, John Paul I was gonna revise their birth control opposition in that, to spawn children that you cannot feed is itself a sin. And to that extent they were gonna modify the Catholic church's program. Because you know, when the Pope comes visiting to the western hemisphere, he travels through all these heavily Catholic countries -- Mexico, Central America, South America -- and in so many words he says, "Full speed ahead." You know, "Manufacture as many children as you can!" Because he's against, you know, birth control. And the result is, that their only cash crop is dope. And so, I mean, nobody candidly comes right out in front and says, "Well. Everything south of the United States is based on dope." They don't grow anything that's that worthwhile other than, you know, I mean marijuana, the uh, and so on.

What about that? Is there some contradiction between what the Pope is doing and what the eugenics people are doing? I mean what, what's...

Of course there's a dichotomy.
Yeah, well what about it? What's a dichotomy?
The division. In other words, on one side you have people who want to get rid of most of the people on the face of the earth. And on the other hand you have people who want there to be more people on earth. And in the case of the Vatican, they would like there to be more people...
More Catholics!
...because, it means more Catholics! More money in the plate!
O.K. but notice: David [Yallop] -- His book came out in 1983 and it seems to be well-documented. And he took the position that, after 33 days, they poisoned John Paul I because of his policies. And he [Yallop] proved that there was such a policy and that's why they killed him [John Paul I]. Of course, the Michael Sindona scandal, the Mafia and the Vatican Bank had somethin' to do with the death of John Paul I. But the thesis of his book is that they poisoned him after 33 days as the Pope because he wanted to modify the uh, the birth control opposition of the Catholic church.

Listen. The Catholic church is not noted for being the greatest, clever people of the 20th century! I mean it was only up until 1806 that you could be thrown out of the church for alleging that the earth was not flat.

It's not?
I mean... Well, all right. In other words, there was the flat earth committee.

Now up 'til 1806, the Catholic church was the flat earth committee. You could be expro... Not expropriated, but... What's the word?

Excommunicated or re-communicated or whatever, for saying that the world is round!

So in other words, there is a dichotomy. You're saying that there's some that wanted to limit the population, and the others wanted uncontrolled population.

Right. Right. But the people who want to control population -- they just think that there's too many people and they're sucking up all the earth's resources.
And the Hitler movement was part of that?
They were part of it.

Now. And of course, the whole idea was sponsored by the U.S. and British bankers, the Harriman family being foremost. One of their progeny, George Herbert Walker Bush, is also a population control freak. Despite...

Is he?
Oh yeah. Despite... He's one of the leading promoters of population control legislation...
Well later in this program we're gonna discuss what he did to "control" population. I mean, something bloody, brutal, and...
But you know, getting back to the Nazis. Just in case people think that the Nazis were only trying to get rid of what they considered to be people who were infirm or less than "genetically whole". A Berlin attorney named Ludwig Fluugen(sp?) said that "great talent is associated with defects or weaknesses in other organs. I call these persons, 'superiority afflicted'." In other words, they're afflicted with superiority! Not with inferiority.
Well under Hitler's program, a lot of those that were hunchbacks or cripples, whatever, would've been eliminated. And throughout history, some of the great scientists were uh, "irregulars". In other words (you know what I mean), they were either too short or they limped or they had a hunchback. Or whatever. But under Hitler...
And in addition...
Under Hitler's program they would've had only blonde, 6-foot high people.
But that wasn't really the only real problem, Sherman. The real problem was that these people were intellectually superior, and therefore, able to have great influence in the community. They didn't want those people around, telling people, "Hey. These Nazis are out of their minds!" That was one of the big problems.
So you're saying that the 6-foot high, blonde-haired, teutonic German types, that were found dead on so many battlefields in the Second World War, were not the intelligentsia, the very clever types?
Well they got rid of them at home! Before they ever got to the battlefield. They had... Sherman, that's very common in many dictatorships, where the dictator has to get rid of the intelligentsia, because they're the only ones who can influence the people against the dictatorship!
All right, so what was Hitler's point? What was Hitler trying to do: weed out the thing and make a "master race"?
Well... Yeah.
Well what... This is, this is gonna fall hard on some people: isn't that the same point that the FBI does? The FBI had a program, which was brought out...
It's a "pogrom", Sherman.
Yeah! It was brought out by an FBI agent named Freedman (maybe he was the only Jew in the FBI), but he pointed out that his supervisors have more or less reached the conclusion -- he testified before Congress -- that blacks are "inferior" and therefore, even if they get elected, they should be "framed", removed from office by "frame ups", and if that didn't work, the implication was to "knock 'em off"! Poison them, kill them.

So in other words, there are Nazi mentalities in the United States.

Yeah, that's getting a little ahead of us. Yeah. But that's essentially correct.
In other words, the [unclear] mentioned theory of the FBI higher- ups is on this same Nazi principle, right? [Unclear] means like, "neanderthal". In other words, higher-ups in the FBI...
Yeah. In other words, the FBI theory is that the Afro-Americans are "inferior", they're neanderthals, they don't belong here, and they shouldn't be in office. And therefore, "frame" 'em, jail 'em, or if necessary, poison them.
That's the same philosophy of...
It's a Hitler philosophy!
...of the Hitler philosophy, but also of the people who are promoting population control today!

And to give you an example: after the Nazis kind of "went away"...

Well that's your theory that they went away.

I don't think they went away at all.
Well, they were...
I think they're still here!
...they were, allegedly, defeated.

But, of course, they didn't go away, precisely because the people who sponsored the idea of eugenics didn't go away.

...a eugenics society in the United States promoting this?
By and large, the idea of eugenics has floated over to the environmental people.
Pollution control and...
Pollution's about the same thing?
Yeah. Pollution control means population control, because the more people you have the more pollution you have, and the more danger we all face because there's "too many" people on the face of the earth!
And the aristocracy, a few years ago, through one of their secret society meetings -- the Bilderbergs or Trilateral Commission, whatever -- say, "Hey. All you in the aristocracy! Promote environmental. We gotta have..."

Where'd they have their conference? In Brazil or something? They had some big conference: "Promote the Environment".

Just recently they had the Cairo Conference.
O.K. So, but what you're saying is, this is just another word for eugenics,
That's right.
SKOLNICK "weed out" what they feel are "inferior" people.
Now most of the environmentalists are, consider themselves liberal. And they would be horrified of this idea that you would pick the, for the most part, the people of color to get rid of because there's "too many" people on the face of the earth. But that, by and large, is what they really are saying, despite their perhaps, ignorance...
Well they have the media on their side.
...the real meaning of their movement.
I mean, they have the media on their side. Because, I mean, who do ya see as what I call "anchor faces", anchor people? "Blonde- haired dummies", as I call 'em. With a few token Oriental- Americans and a few... Like Linda Yu, over here, who's connected with the Chinese royal family...
Well they are indeed, Sherman, they are indeed tokens. Because the modern science... I don't really wanna call it "science". But the modern philosophy of eugenics is, was fathered by Bertrand Russell.
What about him?
Well Bertrand Russell, who was a British (and I hesitate to use the word "philosophy")...
I thought he was for peace? That's the only time I heard of Bertrand Russell, I heard he was...
Well... Bertrand Russell was for peace -- as in, "rest in peace" -- for most of the people of the earth. He said, "The white population of the world will soon cease to increase. The asiatic races will be longer, and the negroes still longer, before their birth rate falls sufficiently to make their numbers stable without help of war and pestilence." And of course, he did mean to impose war and pestilence on the asians and the, what he called "negroes". "Until that happens, the benefits aimed at by socialism can only be partially realized." (He was a socialist.) "And the less prolific races will have to defend themselves" -- Wait a minute -- "will have to defend themselves by methods which are disgusting, even if they are necessary."
I... He either mis-used the term socialism, in applying to himself... But there is a certain...
Never mind, Sherman. That's a whole different thing. Let's not get off on that tangent. Don't worry about... Don't worry about Mr. Russell's mis-using the word, because he wants to mis-use the entire planet! So don't worry about that little item.
So, in other words, he was for "peace" from the standpoint of "rest in peace". Well all right.
Right. Now the progress of Mr. Russell's ideas wound up in a report called "Global 2000".
Which is the title of this show.
Which is the title of this show. This big report, which was authored under the auspices of the Jimmy Carter administration. And of course, he is running around the world promoting the ideals of Global 2000.
I thought he was a born-again something.
Well... That's what he says. But anyway...
He's evidently not a born-again geneticist.
SATO comes the number you were looking for, Sherman. "Global 2000 proposes that the population of the earth be lowered to 2 billion." Now of course...
By what means?
Well they don't say, exactly. But they want to lower it [to] 2 billion by the year 2000! That's why the report's called "Global 2000". There's 5.6 billion people on the face of the planet right now. Which means that they're gonna have to get rid of 3.6 billion people!
Well there's two ways you can do it.
In six years!
Well, no. There's two ways: they can start a nuclear war which endeavors to "knock off" a lot of people. I don't know where the aristocracy is gonna go; they're gonna go off in a missile to the moon or something.
Well, Sherman...

[...contention for who will speak...]

Wait, wait. Before you go on! You shoot these things off, and then let me get a chance to...

Six years! They want to "knock off" that many...
They want to "knock off" that many people. But guess who says that it's a great way to do it?! What you just said, atomic war -- Robert S. McNamara, the former head of the World Bank, says that's, you know, "Nuclear war is great."
He's not a dummy. He was among what they called the "Wiz Kids"...
Of course he's not a dummy! And he knows what he's talking about! He knows how to wipe people off the face of the earth with a bunch of nuclear weapons. And he'd like to do it.
Well. I don't...
Because he says that the single biggest obstacle to progress on this planet is that there are "too many" people in the developing countries. So we can't have progress on the rest of the planet unless those people get "jettisoned" off the planet!
O.K. But let me understand this. In what way does the eugenics differ from genocide?
It doesn't!
It's about the same thing.
It's the same thing!
In other words, it should be "eugenics/genocide".
Genocide. And in a way, it's even more than genocide. It's like "geneticide" because they want to kill the bad genes...
You know, it's very odd. Because the ultra-right wing does a very odd thing: they use their newspapers to fight any treaty that has to do with genocide. And they twist it out of shape and says, "Well it's bad for the people."
Well that's because the "Genocide Treaty", as it's called, is really not about genocide.
Yeah, O.K.
That's a misnomer. It really doesn't apply.
But in other words, these eugenics, this genocide -- who is it directed against? Against people of color?
It's directed mostly at people of color. But it's really, not really necessarily a racial thing. It's more of a class thing. Let me give you an example.
A class thing.
Let me give you an example.

In December of '74, there was a National Security Study Memorandum, number 200, which was authored by Henry Kissinger -- formerly known as "Heinz" Kissinger, because he's actually a German. A German zafardi(?), by the way. And it was called, "The Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests." And it was about the national security of the United States.

Now understand: whenever somebody says, "national security", they're talking a treasonous thing. Because whenever people talk about "national security" of the United States, they're saying, "We want to discuss something that is so horrendous that nobody in their right minds would discuss it..."

By the way, you brought up one angle of the Second World War, the European angle, the Holocaust and so on...
Wait, wait, wait. Before you go back...
And that was genocide.
Right. Before you go back, let me finish this, let me finish this.

This National Security Memorandum expressed the fear that population growth in the Third World "will threaten U.S. strategic raw material supplies." In other words, too many people, say, in certain countries, in Latin America, would threaten the ability of the United States to access those strategic raw materials.

Now. What right we have to dictate how we get our strategic raw materials is of a little bit of interest. But anyway, the countries that Kissinger targeted for this "problem" of overpopulation were India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia, and Columbia. He wanted "to inhibit the wishful thinking that economic development will solve the problem of overpopulation." In other words, there is no economic development that would help; we must get rid of the people.

But come back to my point. The Second World War, in... to put it in its simplest form, was a form of genocide...

That's correct.

...directed against the, whatever you wanna call 'em, the "unwanted" of Europe...
...And, you know, it is now becoming evident, fifty years, you know, after the Second World War, that 6 months before they dropped their genocide bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 6 months before that, Emperor Hirohito was already negotiating through Switzerland to end the war. And our side didn't want to end the war!

So all this hoopla that they've made in the "history" books that "we dropped the atomic bomb because the Japanese were gonna fight to the death and we were gonna lose a million troops storming their homeland" -- we Americans rejected a genuine effort to end the war...

Now don't say "we Americans". The elite who were controlling...
Yeah, right. That doesn't include the rest of us...
That's right.
...that were alive at the time.
We had no say...
The common people.

Yeah, you're right. But the point is, notice the genocide application: they had the atomic bomb early enough; they could've dropped it on Hitler! On Germany. They didn't do it. See, 'cause that didn't fit their genocide. They dropped it on the people of color -- which would be the Japanese. And you know, you know what...

To this day, they don't talk about Nagasaki. I mean, Hiroshima -- they dropped another bomb on Nagasaki!

I mean, so we now know, fifty years later, it was unnecessary. They could've ended the war. And all this stuff in the "history" books, that that ended the war, is false.

That is correct.
In other words, it was strictly genocide. Why? Because the burgeoning population of the eastern world, the Japanese, was disturbing the ultra-rich of this country in some way. I mean, they were wanting to broaden out their markets, they needed oil, this and that. We strangled 'em, and after we strangled 'em on metal and oil, they rose up and they bombed Pearl Harbor -- which was a natural thing! I mean, you strangle somebody, he's gonna resist, or "croak"!

[CN -- Not to say, by any means, that the Japanese were all angels during WWII. In my view, Skolnick is essentially correct. However another motive for the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was that these politicians and these "scientists" had a new toy that they were dying to try out. Also, Skolnick's view of the so- called "strangling" of Japan by the U.S. is one-sided: Japan was also an imperialist power, in its turn "strangling" other nations.]

And so the "history" books -- they've left some things out. They've left out the genocide angle in all this.

Right. And so, what your example really points up is that Robert McNamara's insistence that nuclear war is a "good" way to get rid of people is a... we should take that very seriously because he is from the same group of people who would be quite willing to bomb the crap out of everybody on the face of the planet, simply because they need to get rid of some people!

And that's the only reason. That's all the reason they need.

Listen. Is the bottom line, is it your view from researching all this, that these devils really and seriously, in the remaining few years of the 20th century, would do this "Global 2000" and want to get rid of "x" number of people?
By nuclear war. By famine. By disease -- AIDS is one of the ways in which they have decided to get rid of a lot of people.
Do I gather that they have "written off" Africa as undesireable?
That's what I just said: AIDS is one of the ways in which they're gonna try and get rid of people. And that... AIDS is a weapon that has been pointed...
Most at Africa.
...most dreadfully, at Africa. Yes.
Yeah they talk about these other famines caused by civil wars. But the main thing that's killing off Africa is AIDS. And it's not from green monkeys...
No, we engineered AIDS in this country.
At Fort Meade, or wherever.
That's right. We engineered AIDS: both HIV-I and HIV-II...
In Maryland. That was the mad doctors of...
...were engineered in this country.
...the Central Intelligence Agency, at least I believe, that created AIDS. And I wouldn't say it was a thing that got out of control. It may have been intentional...
No, it wasn't a thing that got out of control. It was intentionally introduced into Africa, HIV-II, was intentionally introduced into Africa for the purpose of wiping them out! Because, [sarcastically] <<there are "too many" people there.>>
O.K. But call...
And they threaten our "national security" interests.
You were the one that did a big research project that we used on an earlier program, maybe a year or more ago, about AIDS, that basically it -- since the homosexuals were considered "not desireable" for the Army, I mean, [sarcastically] <<They're unnecessary. Kill 'em all.>>
That's right. Well, one more "national security" risk. They were considered a "national security" risk. And therefore...
So, in other words...
SATO was allowed to get rid of... HIV-I was introduced...
...into the homosexual community.
...AIDS, in its simplest form, is a genocide attack on certain categories...
There is no question about it.
But they allege (if you believe the media at all) that it is targeting heterosexuals in some way or another. So it...
Well, O.K.
SKOLNICK, the "mad doctor" thing got out of hand.
No, no, no.
...they intended it to "wipe out" the gay community.
No, no. It didn't -- yes, wipe 'em out. But also...
From a national...
...You see...
SKOLNICK standpoint: "They're not suitable to be in the Army -- get rid of 'em! Kill 'em all!"
You see, it has gone into the heterosexual population. But how has it gone into the heterosexual population?

One of the other key groups that HIV-I is attacking are intravenous drug users. They were also a target.

So there's a contradiction, a dichotomy there. 'Cause there is the CIA and the aristocracy bringing in the dope. Then after they get 'em hooked on dope, you're saying, "Well. Now we're gonna kill 'em!" [laughs]
There will always be a market for dope.
There's a contradiction there!
No, no. There will always be a market for dope. They're not worried about that, one little bit.

So they'd just as soon kill them off, and...

This very bizarre thought occurred to me. I don't know how it's gonna fly, but just let me try to fly it: Hitler, in its simplest form, was more fair on the genocide thing than these guys. He didn't start with the biological thing. I mean, he rounded up the "undesireables", put 'em in concentration camps -- uh, next to I.G. Farben's facilities for artificial gasoline and all that kind of stuff.
Yeah! And worked 'em to death, and killed off those that he didn't work to death.

In some way he was more (what is the word?)... the word "fair" isn't it. He was more "straight in front" [i.e. "up front"].

Now they're saying, "Oh! This strange disease 'showed up' that's killing the people." And we don't have a devil! We can't point the [unclear] and says, "Hey! That's where it's comin' from." You see what I'm saying? In other words, Hitler was a known devil. Where are the known devils? Where is the Euthanasia Society? Where is the Eugenics Society? What's their address? Do ya know it?

They're in the Chase Manhattan Bank.
Well that's the, that's the proper place for them to be! [laughs]
It's largely, largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and other, similar foundations set up by the super-rich.
In other words, they're not prepared to come right out in front and say, "Hey. We're against these people. We set off this epidemic bomb, this AIDS thing. We're gonna get rid of all these people. And if ya don't leave, we're gonna ship ya to some godforsaken island in the Pacific and starve ya to death." [laughs]

In other words... I don't mean to laugh or joke, but in other words, the entire thing is, is evil. And what? And they're promoting books and stuff that they're gonna work the population down, or...

Well, of course. Yeah. There's a lot of different ways that...
...line 'em up and machine gun 'em to death.
There's a lot of different ways that they're subtly killing people, which don't appear to be genocidal. I mean, usually when people think of genocidal things, they usually think of war and...
So that the introduction...
At least purposeful genocide.

All right. So that the ultra-rich, then, have introduced dope, on a big scale, into the United States. Why? First of all, they want to enrich themselves. But secondly, they have genocide in mind, right?

That's right.

Because I...
To give you an example: they are perfectly aware that narcotic drug use is very dangerous. Thirty-one percent of all New Yorkers who were murdered last year were murdered because of drug use!
Do you believe it's a...
So it's a very dangerous thing -- not only that they're using drugs, but also it tends to make them become dead. I mean...
But tell me if this generality is suitable: that sometimes the (what is the word?), some of the better-educated people in the black community somehow get onto the drugs. Is that a generality that makes any sense?
Well it makes sense...
...way to get rid of 'em.
Well, here. Here's an interesting question: why is it that these drug dealers, whose (at the lowest level, anyway), whose main idea is, "I wanna make some money!" All right? "I wanna make some money, dealing drugs." Why do they go to the poorest communities to try and make money? Does that make sense?
No, they're not sellin' it there. They're sellin' it to suburbanites...
Well then, how...
...who come to a certain corner.
Sherman, now they are, finally. They are now. But what you just said before -- "They go into a black neighborhood and they sell."
To kill 'em.
Why would a profit-seeking entrepreneur, drug dealer, want to go into the poorest neighborhoods -- a black neighborhood, an hispanic neighborhood -- and sell drugs!? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it? Unless their philosophy is exactly like the British was, back when they introduced opium into China for the purpose of...
To subdue 'em.
...for the purpose, not necessarily of profit -- although they did make a profit, because they rolled over the Chinese economy -- but it was to control the Chinese.

It is that...

Through the opium dens...
It is that purpose which is causing the introduction, wholesale, for this century, into the black communities and hispanic communities of narcotic drugs. That's what I see it as. It is a form of eugenics. It is a form of getting rid of people, purposely, using narcotics as a weapon.
What you're saying, which is borne out by the census reports... And that there seems to be an attack on black males between the age of, what? Fifteen to thirty-two?
Go younger: as soon as they get out of the womb -- if they come out of the womb -- from that time, they are targets.
What bothers me is, that occasionally the media tells you the truth, but not in a proper context. For example, they interview some people... They interviewed some kids in Roseland that were eleven years old, twelve years old, in this recent flare-up there [i.e., circa November, 1994, the story of the eleven year old alleged gunman who, in turn, was murdered in Chicago]. And some of these young people said, "I..." (in so many words), "I live from day to day. And I don't know if I'll get killed on the way to school or..." In other words, they're actually...
Always at risk.
Yeah. They're always at risk. As if...

But you see the problem is, the media has you believe that it's just another black causing the risk, when it's the introduction of dope into the black community that's causing the genocide.

And, along with the introduction of guns -- which always follows the drugs. And so you have this lethal combination of drugs and guns which is introduced into the community.
But in other words, is the thesis of your research that the United States has taken over where Hitler left off?
Not the United States, necessarily.
Is it the American aristocracy?
Yes. The American and the British aristocracy, which has taken this over.
Who have no country. I mean, their country...
Their "country" is money. That's their "country".
Well now notice this (which I don't think this is a digression), but in this recent Gulf War there was something about that that really bothered me. The media played it up and... First of all, the media was forbidden to ever show bodies. So all ya saw were their tanks blown up on highways, their trucks and all that. But you never... You weren't allowed to see any bodies! You couldn't have any wire service, any "photo pool" or whatever, photograph bodies and show you that on the evening "news".
"Nobody died."
Well wait a minute! Something happened there...
It was a "wonderful" war.
...Something happened there which, there was a documentary -- but it was only shown in one place in Chicago. And I think our moderator [Cliff Kelley] saw it.

At the close of this short war, our side killed 100,000 young Iraqis under a flag of surrender.

Hey. I consider myself a good American. I've lived in Chicago all my life... uh, I'm not proud of this. With the yellow ribbons and the marching, and victory parades.

And some of the pilots said, "It was like shooting fish in a barrel!"

There's only one other time in all of history when one side killed the other side under a flag of surrender, and that was in the Battle of the Bulge during the Second World War. And the German army, in a moment of desperation, killed about 60 or 70 Americans with their hands up...

So we got that beat, don't we?
One-hundred thousand! And most Americans don't know about it. When I mention this, they says, "Has it been on the evening 'news'?" I says, "No. It's not allowed!"

Imagine. 100,000 Iraqis, under a flag of surrender, were slaughtered.

And of course, that's on top of the hundreds of thousands, the millions, who were killed during the Iran-Iraq War of the '80s, which lasted for nine years.
And we now understand...
Which was our provocation and the provocation of the Israeli Mossad.
And we now understand (fifty years later) that the great atomic bomb destruction of Japan was unnecessary. The Hiro... Hirohito wanted peace through Switzerland, six months before. We rejected it. So I mean, there's been genocide going on again and again and again.
Right. And it's going on right now in Africa...
The AIDS thing.
Not just the AIDS thing, but all the, the wars of attrition, the famine, and the disease that's going on right now. The war in Rwanda has cost 500,000 dead. Upwards of 500,000.
By the way...
Plus the ones who are still dying.
I don't wanna go into the whole Rwanda thing. But the thing that the press never mentions about Rwanda is that the French colonialists, the ones that, over the decades, instigated the "tribal" thing... Notice: French troops came in there...

[CN -- Skolnick does not expand on this reference. I have as my source a local radio show of good credibility, "News From Neptune", that the two warring tribes in Rwanda were created arbitrarily by the French colonialists, during their occupation. In other words, the two "tribes" that were slaughtering each other were an artificial creation. I forget how exactly the French divided them; it may have been according to height.]

But the British, the British intelligence knocked the plane...
...out of the air. Um, oh gosh. I'm gonna have to...
With the two presidents that died.
Yeah. Juvenal [unclear] was assassinated in a plane crash which was arranged by British intelligence for the purpose of starting this war!

[CN -- The slaughter in Rwanda began after a plane, carrying the leaders of the two "tribes", crashed. Sato (LaRouche says this also) is saying that the plane was sabotaged in order to instigate the subsequent war and horrible slaughter.

By the way, you may be wondering: Why didn't those slaughtered Rwandans defend themselves? Answer: They had no guns.]

Now the right wing -- to their credit, at the moment -- from their paper [CN -- Uh-oh, could Skolnick perhaps mean The Spotlight?] (which I don't always agree with their politics) have been playing up that there's something odd going on in this country. That we're facing, possibly, martial law.

By the way, I once addressed a political science class at Northeastern Illinois... At DeKalb. Northern Illinois University [CN -- My alma mater]. And guess how they spelled "martial law"?

Never mind.
They didn't know how to spell it.

But the point is, what are all these foreign troops doing on American soil now? In other words, are they planning some genocide against we, more common Americans? And who do they have in mind?

I think that relates to the questions that were asked soldiers. In May of this year, they asked American GIs, this year [1994], whether they would shoot Americans, under certain given conditions.

And so they were disqualified. And the ones that said, "Yes"...


...proceeded to the next step in the project?
...Well, no. Obviously they have a problem. Especially if...
Who has a problem?
GIs. If they are sent into a... Let's say they're sent into an African-American community and they're told, "This community is out of control. Go in there and impose martial law. And if anybody moves, shoot 'em."

Now there's quite a large minority of the GIs, in this country, who are African-American. Now...

They're trying to get 'em out! They're trying to whittle them down, out of the army!
Now, now, now, Sherman. Nevertheless -- Hey. They're not gonna whittle 'em down in six years, Sherman. There's gonna be plenty of 'em in the army at the time at which they're going to promote and provoke problems in African-American communities and send troops in there for the purpose of gunning down as many people as they can.
Well, notice this...
O.K.? Wait a minute, Sherman!

And so, when they ask black GIs, "Will you shoot Americans?", they really know that, you know, anybody who's got half a brain understands what the question really means. It means, "Will I shoot my brother, in his own community, in his doorway?" That's what it really means.

But notice: some of us view the Vietnam War in very cynical terms. In the '60s, from all these civil rights marches [by] Dr. King and others, there were rising expectations...
By the way, Sherman. Before you get into that, I'd just like to make one very important point about these African-American GIs in a situation in which they would be required (unless they wanted to be hung) to shoot their brothers -- and that is that, the situation in Roseland that you mentioned has caused the FBI to go into the Roseland community, to be, to mingle with the police...
The gestapo!
Yeah, the gestapo. mingle with the police. And this is a first strike, in the black communities in Chicago, to start provoking the African- American [unclear] into...

Federal police.
Wait a minute. Sherman. Quiet.

...into a situation in which there will be the requirement that American GIs, and black GIs, be sent into this community for the distinct purpose of wiping out their brothers!

On the excuse that there's...
...there's trouble.
There's dope that the CIA brought in.
There's dope, there's guns, which has been brought in by the British and American...
All right. But notice this genocide problem, that this is an ongoing thing.

During the Vietnam War, the black population of the United States was eleven-and-a-half percent. But they constituted twenty-six percent of those that were in the jungles in Vietnam. Blacks. People of color.

Now what was the problem at that time, and from a cynical standpoint? Dr. King and others, because of the marching, was getting the blacks with rising expectation: equal employment, "they're gonna have a house", "they're gonna have a job", and so on. And how did LBJ [President Johnson] deal with this? With the body bags. He sent 'em over there to be slaughtered! That's how he dealt with their rising expectations.

And, here's the "national security" question, the so-called. When Dr. King, in April of '67 made a speech, what'd he say? He says, "I am going to go to Vietnam to tell black GIs not to slaughter yellow-skinned people in somebody else's civil war." So he was implying the genocide angle right there. And of course, a year to the day, they slaughtered him.

On "national security" reasons!
Sherman, you make, you made an even more important point at the outset: that is...
...yellow people...
No, no, no.

...that King was trying to hold out hope for economic development of the African-American communities. That is verboten. You cannot do that.

What'd they say in this National Security Study Memorandum written by Henry Kissinger? They said, "Forget about economic development." Now what is the biggest problem in the African- American communities today with regard to economic situations? Lack of jobs! Now. They're not gonna get any jobs! Why? Because Clinton has passed, has rammed through, GATT and NAFTA. And we have turned the American economy from an economy with 250 million consumers, into an economy, into a world economy, where there are 5.6 billion consumers, many of whom are earning 19 cents an hour. And we're gonna ask the African-Americans who don't have jobs to compete with 19-cents-an-hour labor? It ain't gonna happen.

So you see, Sherman... The problem today is that GATT and NAFTA have completely foreclosed any hope for education, for jobs, in the African-American community. It is done. It's over with.

So they're using, insofar as... Well, Mexico was [unclear] with...
But you see, Sherman, that is why they have to be panicked about what's going to happen in the African-American communities when people finally figure out that there is not gonna be any more education, there's not gonna be jobs. It's 19 cents an hour.
All right, let's see if this fits in with your thesis there: Mexico is principally Indians. People of color. And therefore, this whole NAFTA thing, to use them as cheap labor: does that fit into your genocide theory in some way?
Sure. NAFTA now... And the people in the State Department want to lower the population of Mexico from over 60 million to under 20 million.
Hey folks, there's a group out there called "Chiapas", which is gonna start provoking civil war like crazy in Mexico. And they're going to cause a tremendous, devastating war in Mexico which wipes out over 40 million people.
O.K. So wait a minute. So this uh, your thesis is that this putting an FBI task force -- according to the September 8th, '94 issue of the [Chicago] Tribune, which is right on the front page: "FBI Task Force Joins City Police to Fight Gangs". That's their excuse! But actually, they're putting the gestapo into the inner city...
...for the purpose of making sure that there is a point at which the African-American community explodes, and they have to send in their troops and kill everybody...
Before we run out of time: you also feel that these attacks on black celebrities are not accidental.
No. They're not accidental at all. They have money, they have influence. The FBI wants to get rid of 'em.
O.J. Simpson. Michael Jordan's father. Michael Jackson.
Because they're [unclear], according to the FBI; they're not "worthy" of having any position of influence or wealth.
O.K. And since they are now quite wealthy, if they ever became political -- I'm not saying that O.J. Simpson was or is political, or Michael Jackson was or is political -- but were they, in a time of the American gestapo running out of control, they might say something and have to be heard worldwide... among white people, among people of color. You couldn't shut them up. If they held a press conference, it'd be covered.

So they're discredited. They're "murderers", they're "child molesters".

Or they're just murdered, period.
Yeah. In other words, because they're well-known they don't want them as spokesmen for the Afro-American community. Is that the point?
They don't want them as spokesmen for anybody.
So, well what you're saying is, whether Mel Reynolds, the congressman, is or is not a sleazebag as accused, it's interesting that of all the crooked congressmen that they could think about, they centered on him. That's not accidental, right? They could find some other congressmen that are equally as crooked as him.
Assuming that he's crooked.
Well yeah. But that comes down to, "Take a whole handful of darts and just throw it at the [unclear], and anybody you hit..."
All right, before we run out of time, what suggestion do you have? You've laid out a very somber thing there. How do we get into the next century?
In my view, there aren't a whole lot of solutions, simply because...
Well, before we run out of time, give us some.
There are certain African-Americans who wish there to be reparations to the African-Americans because of slavery. That is not practical for a lot of reasons. It's...
Oh I'm for it if the ultra-rich pay for it!
Sherman, that's impractical.
...shouldn't tax the rest of us. The ultra-rich: let them pay!
They're not gonna do that unless you "string 'em up".
"String" who up?
The super-rich.
The Rockefellers.
Yeah. That's not gonna happen.

So the only thing I would suggest is a strike. A mortgage strike.

Well, we're running out of time.
...A rent strike.
We're running out of time. And we thank everybody for listening. We've worried a lot of 'em. People secretly think that maybe we represent the Tylenol and aspirin industry with these programs [laughs]. We do worry people! But we hopefully cause you to think.

Thanks for listening, and watch us again on "Broadsides". Good evening.

Brian Francis Redman "The Big C"

Coming to you from Illinois -- "The Land of Skolnick"