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("Quid coniuratio est?")
The following is excerpted from an article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard ('Victimised' FBI chief savages meddling Clinton) published in the London Telegraph, June 17, 1996. The entire article is archived at the Electronic Telegraph web site,
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Disasters are now accumulating at a giddying pace. An infra-red surveillance tape has come to light showing that FBI snipers almost certainly opened fire on the Branch Davidians who burned to death in the Waco inferno in April 1993. More than 80 people died in that episode, many of them children, making it the worst tragedy caused by government action since the massacre of Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee in 1890.
The FBI insists that it never fired a shot but the tape, which has been shown to The Sunday Telegraph, shows bursts of gunfire coming from snipers crouched alongside an FBI tank. The tape also shows that the FBI may have used "flash-bang" devices, in spite of official denials, that could have caused the fire. The Oklahoma bombing investigation has also been compromised by allegations from the FBI's top scientist in explosive analysis, Frederick Whitehurst. He says that the FBI crime lab has fabricated evidence in several important cases, including the World Trade Centre bombing and the Oklahoma investigation.
It is now clear that the US prosecutors want to restrict the scope of the Oklahoma case to charges against two men, Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols
If an FBI lab is willing to suppress, distort, or even plant evidence, what does that say about the rest of the organisation?
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