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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 8 Num. 35

("Quid coniuratio est?")


(Source for the following, except for final section, is Dope, Inc. by the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. I neither necessarily agree nor disagree with portions of the following.)

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Circa 1910-1918 -- Funded by tax-exempt "foundations," such as the Russell Sage Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) and its offshoots wage war on alcohol. Contrary to what some now believe, the WCTU was not so much a populist women's movement as it was the hired army of families such as the Astors, the Vanderbilts, the Warburgs, and the Rockefellers.

One offshoot of the WCTU was run by Jane Addams. She had studied at the Fabian Society's Toynbee Hall experiment. Addams launched a similar project in Chicago. Her social workers benefited from both the recently-won women's right to vote and the concentration of adult males on the war effort (World War I) to -- assisted by agitation from WCTU -- vote up the 18th Amendment, allowing Prohibition.

June 6, 1920 -- Volstead Act implements the 18th Amendment. The Prohibition period arrives.

"The 'Noble Experiment' was aimed at degrading the American people through popular 'violation of the law' and association with the crime syndicate controlled by the Our Crowd banks of Wall Street."

In New York, field agents from the Russell Sage Foundation organize and recruit local hoodlum networks. Specially selected persons, mostly from the Mazzini "Mafia", are sent to major Midwest cities such as Chicago. One such recruit is Al Capone.

Among the prominent families reaping huge profits from Prohibition are the Kennedys and the Bronfmans.

Late 1920s, 1930s -- Robert Maynard Hutchins, Knight Commander of Her Majesty's Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem, is president of the University of Chicago from 1929 - 1950. "Under the guise of 'social studies research', several well-known University of Chicago postgraduate students receive their apprenticeships in the service of the Capone gang."

1930 -- Saul Alinsky enters the Capone mob. For several years he is their accountant. Alinsky goes on from there to, among other things, help create dionysian cults among the American youth and the ghetto dwellers. "Alinsky, in fact, used the organizational model of the Capone mob to build up a criminal youth gang infrastructure in Chicago during the early 1960s that assumed street-level control over drug trafficking and related criminal operations..."

(As shown in Partners in Power by Roger Morris, Hillary Rodham, future First Lady, became friends with Alinsky in the 1960s.)

Early 1930s -- Prohibition is repealed. Has Prohibition therefore been a failure? No, it has been a success. Prohibition's true purpose was never to keep the public from drinking alcoholic beverages. Its true purpose was to help foster organized crime networks. It also opened the way for corruption of politicians and police on a large scale. The average citizen, during Prohibition, was put in routine contact with criminals, resulting in tolerance for them. Prohibition eroded respect for the law and for its agents.

1933 -- Nevada legalizes casinos. The Meyer Lansky and other syndicates expand their operations into legalized gambling.

1930s & 1940s -- Organized crime also invests in sports stadiums and racetracks. A support structure is established which facilitates later moves into drug trafficking.

Mid-1950s -- Start of large scale drug trafficking by organized crime syndicates.

1969 -- President Nixon launches the "War on Drugs". But Nixon doesn't suspect how powerful of an organization he is taking on. His "War on Drugs" is a real one; it is directed at the top, at banks and distribution grids. Nixon is eventually forced out of office by British agents, such as Sir Henry Kissinger, KCMG (Knight Commander of St. Michael and St. George), and Edward Kennedy.

-+- Dope Nation -+-

Many Americans are aware of the Mena, Arkansas, CIA-sponsored trade of guns for drugs. Author John Cummings (Compromised, co-authored by Terry Reed) has stated that there was another such operation being run out of Texas. Sarah McClendon, the long-time, gutsy Washington reporter, stated to this writer that "Mena was only one of a ring of bases, from Florida to Arizona, that [President George] Bush set up to take out arms and to import narcotics." McClendon's statement is confirmed by author Roger Morris (Partners in Power): The Southern Tier or Southern Arc describes "'meticulously maintained' rural airports in Arkansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, and Arizona" used for CIA rogue operations involving a "hugely lucrative black market in arms."

According to the authors of Dope, Inc., one way that greedy dealers are punished by the Big Boys of the illegal narcotics business is to have agencies of the federal government act as "muscle" or "enforcers". "Back during Prohibition, old Sam Bronfman had [a] problem with the petty racketeers who drove the trucks across the border. They were greedy, and too numerous. Meyer Lansky's Murder, Inc. provided the essential service of weeding their ranks. It appears that today the same service is performed for the dope traffic by the United States Treasury."

What can be done? Forget trying to get marijuana or other drugs legalized. WE DON'T OWN THE POLITICIANS, THEY DO. We, the common people, can do two things.

Number one is to tell somebody what is going on. Sure, some say they are willing and ready to pick up a gun -- but are you ready to pick up pamphlets and pass them out on a street corner? Or is that too scarey for you?

Number two is to boycott their narcotics. Not necessarily because the drugs themselves are "wrong", but because if you buy their drugs you are giving your money to a bad bunch of people.

The best way to shut down the "nation within the nation," a.k.a., "Dope Nation," is to not spend your money on their drugs. If you don't give the Dope Nation your money, if we boycott their product, then the whole thing falls apart. Get hep to how the Dope Nation pushes its product via clever advertising jingles disguised as "rebellious" rock music. Notice how the Dope Nation almost never hassles the consumers of its product, but rather winks, shakes its finger, smiles and says "Naughty, naughty." Dope Nation does bust some dealers, but mostly just if they are competing with the Dope Nation monopoly on sales or getting too greedy within the Sales Department of Dope Nation. If you give your money to Dope Nation, it winds up fueling gang shoot-outs, including drive-bys where innocent people are injured and killed. If you give your money to Dope Nation, it helps buy weapons, including land mines, used in the Third World. If you give your money to Dope Nation, then the next time you see on TV a youngster missing a leg -- blown off by a land mine he stepped on -- you can say to yourself, "There it is: my drug dollars at work."

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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt. Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9